
☘️ Lockdown Habits You DON’T Want To Lose – How To Improve Your Life Post Coronavirus

This pandemic is tough, but there is a silver lining. Most likely you've learned some life-changing habits that you won't want to lose, like a slower paced life and a little more focus on self care.

Those are just some of the lockdown lessons you need to learn BEFORE you rush back to the rat race.


Lockdown Lessons – Life-Changing Habits You DON'T Want To Lose – How To Improve Your Life Post Coronavirus

⁠I feel like I've grown in leaps and bounds the last few months. And let me tell you, there were growing pains!⁠

There was some darkness and despair, particularly last month, and I started to feel there was no hope. I saw so many things wrong with the world and I just knew they couldn't all be fixed.⁠

But something changed.⁠

I can't explain what it was exactly, but little things gave me glimpses of the way things could be. The difference even one person could make if they were committed and made positive progress each and every day.⁠

If you've been following my stories on Instagram you'll know I've been growing potatoes, and those little plants have been a huge source of wonder and amazement for me.⁠

I've never really grown anything before (unless you count Scout) but I poured a little love and attention into them and they're thriving!⁠

Potato plants

And I know that if I pour a little love and attention into myself, my family, the people in my life, my online space, and the world around me, I can change things for the better. I can have an impact. I can leave a legacy.⁠

And you can too..⁠

Watch the video below for the lockdown lessons you definitely do NOT want to leave behind.

(Subscribe to my channel if you want weekly videos to help you live a simpler, happier life.)⁠

Use this time to reflect on the changes you've made, the habits you've built, and the areas of your life you've improved. Remember, you can CHOOSE how to live your life and how to spend your time. You can THRIVE under difficult circumstances.⁠

And if we all band together, we can forge a brighter future. ✨

What's something positive you started doing during the pandemic?

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